When should I replace my AC unit?
It’s important to recognize the early signs and symptoms of a problem with your home’s AC unit before it breaks down and stops working. If your central air conditioning system is not performing like it used to, blowing hot air, making odd noises, or, worse, won’t turn on at all, it may be time to replace your AC.
Visit our AC repair page to learn more and find out if it’s time to replace your cooling system.
Can a new high-efficiency system save me money?
By upgrading or replacing an old system with a new high-efficiency system, you can cut your energy costs while keeping your family perfectly comfortable.
What is indoor air quality (IAQ)?
Like the name suggests, indoor air quality refers to the air you breathe inside your home. Most people are surprised to learn that this can be even more polluted than the air outside! IAQ services are targeted solutions to increase the quality of your air, including source control, moisture control, ventilation, filtration, and ultraviolet treatment.
What HVAC products and brands does All Star Heating & Cooling carry?
We specialize in building custom systems to boost indoor air quality and comfort. We are well-versed in industry-leading solutions and materials from Lennox, Rheem, Amana, and Goodman.
Is All Star Heating & Cooling a certified HVAC company?
Yes! We are certified in the State of Florida under State Contractor License #CAC1816425.
Does All Star Heating & Cooling offer any deals or promotions?
Yes! We deliver seasonal deals and promotions on our tune-up services and provide installation rebates straight to your inbox. Whether you are a new customer or a familiar friend, ask your technician about our current offers and specials.
Does All Star Heating & Cooling offer financing on new installations?
Yes! We offer financing and payment options because we understand there are a lot of things you would likely rather be spending money on. With our consumer financing programs, you can get the comfort where you need it most.
What is the P.A.C.E. financing program?
P.A.C.E. (property assessed clean energy) is an innovative financing program that allows property owners to make eligible improvements to their homes or businesses that are then repaid through their property taxes.
P.A.C.E. provides homeowners access to cost-prohibitive and energy-efficient options that they otherwise could not afford. Because PACE is financed as a property assessment, repayments are made through the owner’s property taxes.
Learn more about P.A.C.E. and our other financing options.